This is my implemenation of Map Reduce using Azure Durable functions to create an inverted index.
## Adapted from Microsoft sample code
## Report
Report is Project2_BrandonKady.pdf
## Deployment
To run deploy the function and use the link to the durable function to post a json payload that contains a list of name blob location pairs. The orchestration will run and the inverted index will be observable throught the output key of the event status query URI. Also, the index will be saved to Azure Blob Storage.
3 keys will need to be added to the function app in azure. In Settings > Environment Variables add a varible called AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING with the value being the connection to you azure storage and AZURE_CONTAINER_NAME with its value being the container where the text files reside.
config.json is the test config that I used for local testing and cloud deployment
## Index